Anil Gomes

Anil Gomes is a fellow and tutor at Trinity College, Oxford. The Practical Self was published in March.

Anil Gomes writes: Galen Strawson claims that he, and not Daniel Dennett, is the real naturalist since only he affirms the one thing whose existence is certain – consciousness. And he takes this alone as sufficient justification for his own controversial views on its nature. But it is not obvious how to isolate what seems clear in introspective experience from our theoretical articulation of it....

Mydaughter has Pauline Baynes’s map of Narnia hanging above her bed. It’s a lovely object, produced in 1972 as a promotional poster for Puffin Books. One of its pleasures is tracing the way locations from the different stories fit together into a whole. There’s the island they sail to in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader; and those are the marshes they cross in The Silver...

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