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Five Ring Circus

David Goldblatt: Blame it on the Olympics, 18 July 2024

What are the Olympics for? 
by Jules Boykoff.
Bristol, 157 pp., £8.99, March, 978 1 5292 3028 4
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Igniting the Games: The Evolution of the Olympics and Bach’s Legacy 
by David Miller.
Pitch, 272 pp., £12.99, July 2022, 978 1 80150 142 2
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... land to serve Vancouver 2010. Rio, Paris and Los Angeles all generated anti-Olympic campaigns. Jules Boykoff, who has been a participant in the anti-Olympic movement, offers a good guide to these developments in What are the Olympics for?In 2014, Bach published his manifesto for change, Agenda 2020. The document, and its many successors, proposed ...

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