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This is how you smile

Gazelle Mba: On Jamaica Kincaid, 8 February 2024

by Jamaica Kincaid.
Picador, 144 pp., £9.99, July 2022, 978 1 5290 7688 2
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At the Bottom of the River 
by Jamaica Kincaid.
Picador, 80 pp., £9.99, July 2022, 978 1 5290 7678 3
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The Autobiography of My Mother 
by Jamaica Kincaid.
Picador, 208 pp., £9.99, July 2022, 978 1 5290 7675 2
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Annie John 
by Jamaica Kincaid.
Picador, 160 pp., £9.99, July 2022, 978 1 5290 7712 4
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... Elaine​ Potter Richardson changed her name to Jamaica Kincaid in 1973. She was 24 years old and had decided that ‘Jamaica’ was more stylish. More important, a new name would allow her to publish without attracting the attention of her mother, Annie Drew – no matter that Annie was living in Antigua and Kincaid in New York ...

In the Box

Dale Peck, 6 February 1997

How Stella Got Her Groove Back 
by Terry McMillan.
Viking, 368 pp., £16, September 1996, 0 670 86990 2
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by Sapphire.
Secker, 142 pp., £7.99, September 1996, 0 436 20291 3
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The Autobiography of My Mother 
by Jamaica Kincaid.
Vintage, 228 pp., £8.99, September 1996, 0 09 973841 4
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... authors are all black; they are also all women, and they are also – or almost – all American (Jamaica Kincaid was born in Antigua, but left at 17 and has lived in the United States for the past thirty years), and it is primarily for these reasons that they are being reviewed together. I say ‘primarily’, because there is the added factor that ...

Answering back

James Campbell, 11 July 1991

The Intended 
by David Dabydeen.
Secker, 246 pp., £13.99, February 1991, 0 436 20007 4
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by Caryl Phillips.
Bloomsbury, 185 pp., £13.99, March 1991, 0 7475 0886 0
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by Jamaica Kincaid.
Cape, 176 pp., £11.99, April 1991, 0 224 03055 8
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... are probably unavoidable for the Afro-Caribbean writer sooner or later. They are also present in Jamaica Kincaid’s third work of fiction, Lucy. Kincaid comes from the island of Antigua. Like Dabydeen and Phillips, she left her native place, but on a boat headed for New York rather than Southampton. Her heroine is a ...

Slavery and Revenge

John Kerrigan, 22 October 2020

... reluctance, and revenge’.From the wars of Nanny of the Maroons and Cuffee’s rebellion, both in Jamaica, through the Haitian Revolution of 1791-1804, led by Toussaint Louverture, Jean-Jacques Dessalines and Henri Christophe, the energies of revolt were retributive as well as liberatory. By the time Flanigan was writing, the Christian influence was stronger ...

All That Gab

James Wolcott: The Upsides of Sontag’s Downsides, 24 October 2019

Sontag: Her Life 
by Benjamin Moser.
Allen Lane, 832 pp., £30, September 2019, 978 0 241 00348 0
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... and revealing about the subject, than the usual range of mixed emotions that linger on. Jamaica Kincaid said of Sontag: ‘Yes, she was cruel and so on, but … she was also very kind. She was just a great person. I don’t think I ever wanted to be a great person after I knew Susan.’ Wieseltier phrased it in a nutshell: ‘I loved Susan. But ...

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