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A Little of This Honey

Erin Maglaque: What was the ghetto?, 6 June 2024

Shylock’s Venice: The Remarkable History of Venice’s Jews and the Ghetto 
by Harry Freedman.
Bloomsbury, 247 pp., £20, February, 978 1 3994 0727 4
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... the meantime Napoleon had conquered Venice; in 1797 the ghetto gates were torn down on his orders.Harry Freedman​ has written varied books about Jewish history and culture: on Leonard Cohen’s spiritual sources; the Talmud; the Kabbalah; Britain’s Jews. In Shylock’s Venice, he has taken a broad brush to the history of Venice’s Jews, producing a ...

At the Top Table

Tom Stevenson: The Defence Intelligentsia, 6 October 2022

Command: The Politics of Military Operations from Korea to Ukraine 
by Lawrence Freedman.
Allen Lane, 574 pp., £30, September 2022, 978 0 241 45699 6
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... by contrast, was to be admired as a British socialist who was proud to have a signed photograph of Harry Truman in his study.The ‘Global Britain’ slogan, the Indo-Pacific tilt, and the commitment to increase the UK’s nuclear weapons stockpile (the ambition to become ‘the European partner with the broadest and most integrated presence in the ...

Flat-Nose, Stocky and Beautugly

James Davidson: Greek Names, 23 September 2010

A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names. Vol. V.A Coastal Asia Minor: Pontos to Ionia 
edited by T. Corsten.
Oxford, 496 pp., £125, March 2010, 978 0 19 956743 0
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... names, just as the middle classes in England at the end of the 20th century turned to Jack, Harry, Max and Ben. Whatever his real name, the fact that scholars in the Hellenistic period found it unbelievable that the great philosopher could be a ‘Plato’ – they preferred that his real name be Aristocles, ‘Famed for Excellence’, after his ...

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