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Theirs and No One Else’s

Nicholas Spice: Conductors’ Music, 16 March 2023

directed by Todd Field.
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Richard Wagner’s Essays on Conducting: A New Translation with Critical Commentary 
by Chris Walton.
Rochester, 306 pp., £26.99, February 2021, 978 1 64825 012 5
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In Good Hands: The Making of a Modern Conductor 
by Alice Farnham.
Faber, 298 pp., £16.99, January, 978 0 571 37050 4
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... and nurture ‘melos’.Of these, the proper understanding of melos is the governing principle. Chris Walton, who has brought together all of Wagner’s writings on conducting in a new translation, complementing them with an extended critical and contextual essay of his own, thinks that Wagner’s use of the Greek melos is faintly pretentious and that ...

Versatile Monster

Marilyn Butler, 5 May 1988

In Frankenstein’s Shadow: Myth, Monstrosity and 19th-century Writing 
by Chris Baldick.
Oxford, 207 pp., £22.50, December 1987, 0 19 811726 4
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... The plot of Frankenstein, Chris Baldick points out, can be summed up in two sentences. ‘Frankenstein makes a living creature out of bits of corpses. The creature turns against him and runs amok.’ The mystery is why so many people know the plot of Frankenstein, and have known it, as this book ably demonstrates, since shortly after the work’s first appearance in 1818, without necessarily reading a line of Mary Shelley’s prose ...


Tabitha Lasley: At Cammell Laird, 20 June 2024

... of his career, Whitley was a union organiser at the Vauxhall plant in Ellesmere Port. His brother Chris, now dead, was one of the 37. In 2021, he tabled an Early Day Motion calling for an inquiry into the case, and the release of the relevant cabinet papers. He arranged for me to interview Albertina and Eddie Marnell, a former shipwright at Cammell Laird who ...

Lancelot v. Galahad

Benjamin Markovits: Basketball Narratives, 21 July 2022

Blood in the Garden: The Flagrant History of the 1990s New York Knicks 
by Chris Herring.
Atria, 368 pp., £23.95, January, 978 1 9821 3211 8
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... looks, in the last five minutes of close games etc.When I was a kid, sports announcers like Bill Walton used to dramatise the end of games by saying corny things like, ‘It’s just a question of who wants it more.’ Now they talk about crunch-time efficiency and cite the data. In other words, something that was once seen as a test of character – the ...

Driving through a Postcard

Christian Lorentzen: In New Hampshire, 3 March 2016

... animate US politics, were his birthright. Once the field was cleared of lesser lights like Bush, Chris Christie, John Kasich and Carly Fiorina, he would bring about a future of Republican national majorities by bringing swelling numbers of Hispanics into the tent. The dominance of this narrative was enough to make you feel sympathy for Trump, at least until ...

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