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You say embargo …

Tony Wood: The Cuban Model, 1 July 2021

The Cubans: Ordinary Lives in Extraordinary Times 
by Anthony DePalma.
Bodley Head, 368 pp., £9.99, July 2021, 978 1 78470 822 1
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We Are Cuba! How a Revolutionary People Have Survived in a Post-Soviet World 
by Helen Yaffe.
Yale, 363 pp., £18.99, February 2020, 978 0 300 23003 1
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... the life stories of an assortment of people in Guanabacoa, a town across the bay from Havana. Anthony DePalma, a veteran correspondent for the New York Times, describes the real gains made after the revolution by several of his interviewees, but also the frustrations and dissatisfactions of their lives today. His subjects include Caridad Ewen, an ...

Defeated Armies

Scott Sherman: Castro in the New York Times, 5 July 2007

The Man Who Invented Fidel: Castro, Cuba, and Herbert L. Matthews of the ‘New York Times’ 
by Anthony DePalma.
PublicAffairs, 308 pp., £15.99, September 2006, 1 58648 332 3
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... he was a ghost in his own country, but an iconic figure in Cuba. In The Man Who Invented Fidel, Anthony DePalma notes that Castro, in the 1960s, had offered to grant him Cuban citizenship: ‘What a splendid Cuban Herbert Matthews would make,’ a Cuban publication proclaimed, ‘so upright and so just!’ On his last trip to Cuba, in ...

Solve, Struggle, Invent

Rachel Nolan: Cuba Speaks, 6 June 2024

How Things Fall Apart: What Happened to the Cuban Revolution 
by Elizabeth Dore.
Apollo, 341 pp., £10.99, August 2023, 978 1 80328 381 4
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The Tribe: Portraits of Cuba 
by Carlos Manuel Álvarez, translated by Frank Wynne and Rahul Bery.
Fitzcarraldo, 336 pp., £12.99, May 2022, 978 1 913097 91 2
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... 4:1 (my note in the margin: ‘I would like to live in this society for a change’). According to Anthony DePalma in The Cubans: Ordinary People in Extraordinary Times (2020), one Cuban who studied in Ukraine during this period was proud that she and her cohort all travelled with the same blue cardboard suitcases and all wore the same brand of shapeless ...

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