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The Tower

Andrew O’Hagan, 7 June 2018

... Quite simply it caused nearly all of the 72 deaths. ‘There’s a moment,’ the fire expert Stephen Mackenzie told me, ‘when the tactics have to move from “remain in place” to “assisted evacuation”.’ It had been obvious from very early on, even to spectators on the ground, that the fire at Grenfell Tower was not going to be put out, that it ...

The Uninvited

Jeremy Harding: At The Rich Man’s Gate, 3 February 2000

... walls. As the first contingent of shivering Kurds prepares to board a waiting bus, a dull church bell starts tolling for Mass. Whether they’ll live or die must, at some point on the journey, become a more pressing question for illegal entrants into EU countries than whether they will find a foothold in the rich world. These journeys are dangerous. But to ...

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