Climate, Politics and Procreation: Alison Bashford

Alison Bashford and Meehan Crist

In the third episode of a four-part series exploring the intersection of climate chaos and reproductive justice, Meehan Crist speaks to historian Alison Bashford. Alison discusses the history of efforts to control population size, how population is thought about in the Anthropocene, and how suspending critique of the past can give valuable insight into the present.

This is the unabridged version of Meehan's discussion with Alison Bashford.

Other episodes in the series:

Loretta J. Ross

Banu Subramaniam

Jade Sasser

Image: Detail from an etching by George Cruikshank. ‘A Malthusian view of an overcrowded London, England, of the future’ (1851). (Source: Alamy.)

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