Miyo Peck-Suzuki

Miyo Peck-Suzuki is studying for a DPhil in political theory at Nuffield College, Oxford. She is writing an intellectual history of Asian American feminism. 

From The Blog
5 June 2024

The police have been regular visitors at Oxford’s Gaza Solidarity Encampment since we set it up outside the Pitt Rivers Museum on 6 May. The university’s vice-chancellor, Irene Tracey, says they are there to ensure our safety. The cops try to keep up the illusion with chit-chat. Was it cold last night? Will we be around for much longer? How did we manage to source so many tents? But answering these questions would tell them which, and how many, of us are sleeping at the camp; who has been organising what; and what we are going to do next. When they ask about the weather, I say: ‘I don’t know what you mean.’

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